My branch president is letting us email home to let you know how we are, but our normal P-days are Tuesday so I will write then. Oh my goodness I love it here! I am in a trio with Sister Nixon (Wyoming, just graduated high school but she is older than me) and Sister Robinson (SLC and went to BYU last year-Political Science major). We have 2 Thai districts, but we are the only sisters in our district, there are 2 more in the other district. I LOVE my district. We have already have so much fun and we are officially 'Team Thai'. I am currently in the largest zone in the entire world! We have over 100 missionaries (Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia and a few more random countries totaling 8 languages) The older group of Thai's are so helpful and we are already love them so much.
I just want to say how incredible it is here. I have already felt guided by the Holy Ghost in learning Thai, and by the way our teacher is AMAZING. Love her to death and I wish she was coming to Thailand with us. Sister Painter kind of breaks the MTC stereotype by speaking Thai only 95% of the time instead of the 100% so she catches us up when we give her the blank stares that are happening 100% of the time. Thai will be hard, but so rewarding. I cannot wait to really start diving into it. We teach our first lesson in full Thai tomorrow so that should be interesting.
Okay I am running out of time but I love you all so much! Mom, don't worry about me I am loving it! I cannot wait to live as Sister Hammon for the next 18 months because if it is anything like these first few days life will be difficult but full of so much joy!
Love you all and I will write you Tuesday! Sawadii!
Much much love,
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